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The European Eye Bank Association has two (2) travel grants to enable technical and scientific staff from the eye-banking community to attend the 2011 EEBA Annual Meeting.

To apply for one of these grants please send a formal application letter to the EEBA Administrator at the following address:



European Eye Bank Association

Via Paccagnella n. 11 - Padiglione Rama


Fax:+39 (0)41 9656421



Your application letter should contain the following information and statements:

  • Name of the applicant who is applying for the travel grant

  • Name of eye bank / institute to which the applicant is affiliated

  • A brief summary of applicant's technical or scientific background and work experience

  • A brief statement explaining why the applicant is applying for the travel grant and what they hope to gain from attending the EEBA Annual Meeting

  • Give an estimate of the likely reimbursement costs (n.b. a maximum contribution of € 750,00 per grants is available to reimburse travel, registration and subsistence costs incurred in connection with participation at the EEBA Annual Meeting)


The funding decisions will be based as much as possible on the needs expressed by the applicant and on what the individual may get from the Annual Meeting and what the applicant may bring to the Meeting. Priority will be given to applicants that are making an oral / poster presentation at the meeting.


Applications must be received by Monday 17th January 2011. Grants will be paid after the EEBA Annual Meeting on submission of original receipts.


For further information please do not hesitate to contact the Administrator.


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